Back Cover & Spine for Print
Add a spine and back cover to create a print version of your book. You can place an order at any time, not just when you purchase the front cover design..
To purchase a back cover & spine, please include with your order:
-Your book title and author name
-Your back cover copy (description, tag-line/strapline, reviews, author bio, etc.)
-A template from CreateSpace, Lightning Source, or whichever service you are using to print your book
-Your book's trim size (please note: the 5"x8" trim size is not compatible with my pre-made covers)
-Your book's final typeset page count
-The type of paper you've chosen (white or cream)
-ISBN (if you're using Lightning Source)
You can send this information to me through my Contact page (in the menu to the left).
Once I receive the above information and payment, I will send the finished cover as a CMYK 300 dpi PDF. Turn around time for wrap around covers is generally two to three business days.